Dwight Wagenius, Chair of the Board
Since Dwight took his M. Div. from United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in 2009, he developed a social justice ministry, primarily while serving on the Justice and Witness Ministry team of the Minnesota Conference UCC. Dwight served as a Minnesota Assistant Attorney General for 30 years prior to his call to ministry, specializing in environmental law. Dwight is a vegetarian for environmental reasons; he and his family have a couple huge organic gardens on their farm near where he grew up in west central Minnesota. Dwight lives in Minneapolis and is a member of Mayflower UCC. Dwight sees the relation between God and creation as panentheistic. Dwight was recently ordained as the Community Minister of Mayflower Congregational United Church of Christ! Check out pictures from his ordination service, here.
Start date: June 2014