Building the climate movement in the Northland!

Numerous interfaith congregations in Northern Minnesota are collaborating to grow the climate movement and organize for a just and sustainable future. We work together to carry out climate solutions that are practical, create systemic change, and foster strong relationships.

Our focus is on building a clean energy economy through solar and energy efficiency projects that support and develop the local workforce and are accessible to low-income people.

In Duluth, we're actively engaged in the Duluth Climate Action Work Plan and the city’s Race to Zero commitment. We also push for renewed city leadership around access to community solar, the future of Comfort Systems with the ECO Act, and opportunities to address inequity within Duluth as it undertakes climate action.

Opportunities to Connect

  • Lake Superior Network: Gather online with congregational partners in Northern Minnesota as we learn with and from each other about how to take climate action here in our faith and civic communities.
  • Northland Policy Team: Learn about and coordinate together on climate justice policy at all legislative and regulatory avenues—from the state to the municipal and county.
  • Earth Harmony Study Group: Join an ongoing discussion group that explores spiritual perspectives and human response within the framework of ecological crisis, and invites hopeful reflection and collaboration.

MNIPL is also active in the Duluth Climate and Energy Network (DCEN), an informal coalition of environmental and social justice groups that coordinate together in the Duluth region, and with state-wide actors, to work towards a more sustainable Duluth.

Join us! Contact Bret Pence, MNIPL's Greater Minnesota Director, at to get involved.