Reparations Learning Labs


School is back in session, and it’s time to sign up for our 2024-25 Reparations Learning Labs!

For 2024-2025, we are offering monthly, hour-long, interactive sessions on Zoom that invite people into deeper reflection, work, and action towards repair and reparation. 

These sessions are intended for White-bodied people from across different identities, lineages, traditions, and geographies who are already committed to the work of repair and reparation, and who want to continue to learn, grow, and build community. We will focus on moving from ideas towards action, and on building personal, collective, and systemic reparations practices. Black, Indigenous, Brown, and Native folks and other people of color are also welcome to join. 

You'll need to RSVP in order to attend – please sign up at the links to the right!

Generic Sign Up

All sessions are from noon - 1 pm on Zoom. Please sign up for each session if you plan to attend!

Before you sign up!

We have three asks and expectations as part of your commitment to this work together:

  1. Watch our “Reparations: What are They?” session so that we can all arrive with a shared foundation and set of concepts. 
  2. Consider making a financial contribution of any amount that is meaningful and sustainable to you to support our Black & Native Advisory Table. Our Black & Native partners offer accountability, support, and solidarity, and it matters that we compensate their time and talent. Every dollar donated through this page goes to the amazing activists who are guiding us towards authentic change.
  3. Consider becoming a sustaining donor of MNIPL with a monthly contribution of any amount. 

MNIPL provides our reparations programming free of charge, and we can only make that possible with your support and participation. 

Interested in learning more about MNIPL's reparations work? Click here!

Interested in learning more about MNIPL's reparations work?

Click here!