Going solar has never been better for Minnesotans. Homeowners can get 30% off the cost of installing a solar system. This free electricity protects you from the increasing volatility of utility rates. For homes not suitable for solar installations or renters, you may be able to subscribe to area community solar gardens.
Solar Co-ops
The best way for homeowners to go solar is to join a solar co-op. MNIPL has partnered with Solar United Neighbors (SUN) to offer two regionally based solar co-ops:
- Twin Cities Region Solar Co-op - open to residents of the Twin Cities larger metro area including Anoka and Sherburne Counties
- Duluth and Arrowhead Solar Co-op - open to residents of Carelton, Cook, Lake, Pine, and St. Louis counties

Enrollment is now open!
Both co-ops are available to new members through May 30, 2023. Click your region's link above to join!
A solar co-op is a collective buying group. It connects you with other homeowners in your area to get better pricing from installers and take advantage of SUN's market knowledge and expertise.
As a co-op member, you not only save on costs, you support installers who value hiring local labor, offering enhanced consumer protection, maintaining advanced professional certifications, and choosing US-made solar products.
Joining a solar co-op is free and does not obligate you to purchase an array. MNIPL and SUN offer this service because our mission is to get more people into renewable energy to solve the climate crisis.
Note about the use of the word co-op
"Solar Co-op" is the name Solar United Neighbors gives to their solar buyers' groups. These groups are not actual cooperatives as defined by Minnesota law. MNIPL recognizes and honors the place that true cooperatives have played in our state's history, particularly in supporting economic justice for residents.
Community Solar Garden
Community Solar Gardens (CSGs) are a good option for homes that are too shaded or otherwise less suitable for installing a solar system. Both renters and homeowners can subscribe to a CSG.
A CSG is a large solar array that supplies electricity to many households. They are typically built on farmland or other land in rural areas. There is often no cost to switch your electricity source to a CSG, and the subscription provides a discount on your current utility costs.
MNIPL works with Novel Energy Solutions through their outreach partner, Join Solar. They serve residents in the following Minnesota counties: Anoka, Benton, Brown, Carver, Chippewa, Chisago, Clay, Cottonwood, Dodge, Douglas, Faribault, Freeborn, Goodhue, Kandiyohi, Le Sueur, Lincoln, Lyon, McLeod, Meeker, Morrison, Mower, Murray, Nicolette, Olmsted, Pipestone, Pope, Redwood, Renville, Rice, Scott, Sherburne, Sibley, Stearns, Steele, Todd, Waseca, Washington, Watonwan, Wilkin, Wright, and Yellow Medicine.
Find out more about Join Solar's CSG program and sign up here. Use the referral code MNIPL. Or contact buff@mnipl.org for more information.
For more information about any of our Just Solar programs, email solar@mnipl.org.