MNIPL In the News: 2024

As news stories come in, we'll post them here!

The national Interfaith Power & Light organization awarded Oak Grove Presbyterian Church their "Cool Congregations" award celebrating their Electric Vehicles Expo.

Check out this story about Solar United Neighbors (SUN) and how they're partnering with organizations like MNIPL to help folks in Duluth and the Arrowhead convert to solar. Our work with SUN was also featured in Northern Wilds!

The Rise & Repair Rally & Lobby day was featured in this article in the Saint Cloud Times, which also has some great quotes from MNIPL Executive Director, Julia Nerbonne!

Julia Nerbonne and Climate Justice Organizer Joshua Lewis were both quoted in this article about how climate justice non-profits are helping low-income and immigrant communities access incentives to transition into greener energy. It was also featured on MPR News!

MNIPL's Julia Nerbonne spoke to Inside Climate News about our Community Climate Resilience Network program and the potential of new federal funding to grow that program. With a new administration and congress on the way, it's possible that new funding be will rescinded before it even goes out the door.

Shiloh Temple International Ministries was featured in this article from the Lake Institute on Faith and Giving! MNIPL's Julia Nerbonne talks about our partnership with them and Cooperative Energy Futures to provide 204 kilowatts of power to homes in the neighborhood.