MnCIFA is in Omnibus bills, but needs more funding. Take Action Now.
The MN Climate Innovation Finance Authority must be fully funded by the legislature! It is a key tool for helping MN transition equitably to clean energy.

MNCIFA Gets Hearings in the Senate
After receiving its initial hearing in the MN House on March 7, the bill that would establish the MN Climate Innovation Finance Authority (MNCIFA) (SF 2301; authored by Senator Tou…

The MN Indian Family Preservation Act Passes
On Thursday, March 9, House members voted 128-0 to pass HF1071/SF667, the Indian Family Preservation Act. It had passed the Senate 66-1 on February 27. The bill now heads to…

Introducing the MN Climate Innovation Finance Authority
Rep. Emma Greenman and Sen. Tou Xiong have introduced a bill (HF2336/SF2301) to establish the Minnesota Climate Innovation Finance Authority (MNCIFA)

MN Senate votes to support Native rights
Kudos to the MN Senate for passing a bill, introduced by Sen. Mary Kunesh, which bolsters the MN Indian Family Preservation Act, bringing critical support for the wellbeing of Native children.

Reflecting on a Song Circle
MNIPL songleader reflects on the joy, possibility, and purpose of gathering to sing together.

Youth leader calls for clean electricity
MNIPL youth leader Makayla Freeman testified before the MN State Senate in support of the 100% clean electricity bill.

Update on the 100% Clean Electricity by 2040 Bill
MNIPL has mixed feelings about HF7, the 100% clean electricity by 2040 bill, which passed out of the House committee. Read our analysis and watch Julia Nerbonne’s testimony.