Updates from the Multifaith Climate Movement

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SOLD OUT: Night at the Museum for Climate Justice

** Update: We’re happy to report an enthusiastic response for our upcoming celebration and fundraiser, and tickets are SOLD OUT! We would love to accommodate more people but have reached…


Faith Leaders call on Gov. Walz to Protect Water, Stop Line 3

On February 8, faith and indigenous leaders gathered a beautiful spirit-led action at the office of Governor Walz. Together we delivered a clear moral message that Line 3 poses an…

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MNIPL network partners with AICHO for Youth Solar Education

On December 21, 2018, members of the Lake Superior Network, MNIPL, delivered a sunny Christmas by donating solar equipment to the AICHO youth education program, including solar lanterns for every child in…


Solar Project Live at Many Rivers Montessori!

Many Rivers Montessori in Duluth, Minnesota, is thrilled to have its new solar array up and running! The 64 panel, rooftop ballasted system (20kW) was mounted on the front roof…


Be the Spark! Leadership Workshops 2019

We invite you to join MNIPL for our 2019 Be the Spark training! This year’s two-part leadership series will be facilitated by program Director Erin Pratt and Executive Director Julia…

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Electoral Justice for Climate: Time to End the Electoral College

As a Unitarian-Universalist (UU), my beliefs about sacred action are grounded in the UU seven principles. These include the inherent worth and dignity of every person (1); justice, equity and…

Environmental Ancestry Story Circles - 2

Introducing the Environmental Ancestry Storytelling Project

This winter and spring, the Environmental Ancestry Storytelling Project will bring communities together to discover their own environmental ancestry stories, how this informs and empowers us in the present and…

Climate justice Congregation Spring Kickoff! (3)

Announcing the Climate Justice Congregation Program

In support of our mission, we are excited to announce a new congregational certificate program, Be the Spark: Climate Justice Congregations. This year long process will help you and your community gain…

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MNIPL is hiring!

MNIPL is hiring! We are seeking an Environmental Justice Faith Organizer to lead our Just Solar campaign. View the position description below and download a printable PDF here. Environmental Justice Faith…


Thank you: 2018 Highlights

Thanks to all who participated in this incredible year! The MNIPL network of youth, community members, faith leaders, volunteers, and donors collaborated on bold, inspiring action for a just &…