Recommendations for Direct Pay for IRA Projects
At the time of writing, the federal tax credits continue to be alive one month into this new administration, but I won’t say “…and well”. That’s because it’s clear all…

Context for Hydroelectric Energy Law in Minnesota
When the Minnesota Legislature passed and the Governor signed the 100% Clean Electricity Law in 2023, it did several things: As part of this bill, hydroelectric was expanded to include…
A Decarbonizing Big Win from the IRS (Yes, the IRS!)
In 2022 and 2023, MNIPL was busy assisting congregations about understanding the Inflation Reduction Act DIrect Pay incentives they could now take advance to help reduce the cost of solar…

Recognizing our Connection to this World and Each Other: Learnings from the United Methodist EarthKeeper Gathering
Earlier this month, MNIPL’s Climate Justice Organizer Joshua Lewis attended a meeting of EarthKeepers from United Methodist congregations across the state. EarthKeepers are groups of United Methodist congregants who are…

Indigenous Peoples’ Day: Amending after Acknowledging
By Alfred Walking Bull (they/he) Sicangu Lakota MNIPL Black & Native Reparations Advisory Table member Alfred is a member of the Black and Native Reparations Advisory Table and is an…
A Win in Duluth/Superior: NTEC’s Permit is Withdrawn
Earlier this week, climate justice organizers in the Northland achieved a huge success: the utility companies withdrew their requested permit for Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC), a $1B gas-fired power…
Hurricane Helene shows we need to go carbon free
On Thursday, September 26, as the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission was meeting to decide the direction of the carbon free standard in Minnesota, Hurricane Helene was barreling towards Florida, to…
Carbon Free Means Carbon Free
On Thursday, September 26, 2024 the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) will be making some key decisions about implementing Minnesota’s 100% clean energy standard – including what types of electricity…