Week of Events
Community Connector Webinar – Canceled
Community Connector Webinar – Canceled
UPDATE: Our December Community Connector webinar has been canceled. Please join us in 2023 for our January webinar! On the 1st Tuesday of each month, we deepen into a different topic related to climate justice. Through shared learning and conversation, we hope you can feel more confident and empowered to help grow the climate movement.…
Policy Office Hours
Policy Office Hours
Sara Wolff, MNIPL's Strategic Policy Director, holds regular online office hours. This is an unstructured opportunity for anyone who wasn't able to join the policy team meeting, wants to catch-up, plug-in, or talk with Sara about all things policy and advocacy.
Policy Team Meeting
Policy Team Meeting
Want to help advocate at the federal, state, and local levels for policy initiatives that address the climate crisis? If you are interested in mobilizing communities of faith and spirituality…