Previewing State Climate Legislation


The 2022 Minnesota legislative session starts at the end of January. For this Community Connector webinar, we will review what climate legislation is possible and how people of faith and conscience can engage in the session. For extra inspiration, we will be joined by our counterparts at Faith in Place in Illinois where they'll share…

Caucus for Climate Training


Join MNIPL and our partners at the 100% Campaign for training on Minnesota's caucus system. No matter your political party, your voice is essential in letting our elected leaders know…

From Angst to Action: Help Your Congregation Respond to Climate Change


As consequences of climate change exploded across the U.S. in 2021, more and more people grew aware of the crisis. “Alarmed” is now the largest category in Yale’s Climate Communication polling and three times the number of those who are “Dismissive.” The full feature film Don’t Look Up, a metaphor for climate denial, is the…