Policy Office Hours
ZoomSara Wolff, MNIPL's Strategic Policy Director, holds regular online office hours. This is an unstructured opportunity for anyone who wasn't able to join the policy team meeting, wants to catch-up, plug-in, or talk with Sara about all things policy and advocacy.
Solstice Songs for the Water
Hidden Falls Regional Park 1313 Hidden Falls Dr., St. Paul, MN, United StatesGather with others by the Mississippi River to offer songs and prayers to the life-giving water and welcome in the solstice time. As we approach the darkest day of the year, let us sit with the darkness and be present to the turning. Come be together, singing in healing and wholeness. We will be guided…
Shine a Light on Community Justice: A Hannukah Program
Shir Tikvah 1360 W Minnehaha Pkwy, MinneapolisDuring three nights of Hannukah, Shir Tikvah is collaborating with community organizations to light the menorah and learn about local justice initiatives. MNIPL is proud to be part of the first night of this event to light the 2nd candle and offer songleading with Sarina Partridge. Come enjoy the light of the menorah and the…
Water and Stars: A Winter Solstice Action
AnywhereJoin this annual practice to bring our collective energy together in prayer, reflection, and spiritual practice as we honor sacred waters on the darkest night of the year. Everyone is invited to be part of this solstice action, and you can participate from anywhere!
No Xcel Rate Hike
ZoomEnergy is at the heart of neighborhood economic health and well-being in St. Paul and in all parts of our state. And yet, Xcel Energy wants to raise residential electricity…
Indigenous and Faith Leaders United for a Bold Climate Justice Agenda
ZoomWe’ve got the power! Let’s build the world we know is possible. Join faith and Indigenous leaders as we roll out a bold legislative agenda for 2023 that will center…
Study Circle: “Solar on Schools”
ZoomInterested in learning more about legislation around economic development and climate justice? MNIPL is hosting study circles on two legislative bills that we want passed in 2023. Join our study…
Update on Line 5
ZoomDuring MNIPL's policy team meeting, guests Scott Russell and Devon Cupery will give a presentation on the status of the Line 5 pipeline campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin. All are welcome to attend!
Reparations: Why now and why MNIPL?
ZoomIn our climate justice work, we often talk about divestment from dangerous and destructive systems, but what can we invest in? Reparations are a deep part of our commitment to healing in the world. The systems that exploit fossil fuels at our expense were built through enslaved labor and Native land theft. Reparations are intertwined…
Be the Spark Winter 2023
ZoomBe the Spark is a great way to bring your team together for climate action. Get tools and practices that help you inspire your congregation, focus your purpose, and identify tangible actions for successes you can celebrate. Our Winter 2023 series will meet online over four Thursday evenings: January 19 & 26, February 9 & 16.