Eco Fair on Summit
Join six St Paul faith communities in this family-friendly event! You can enjoy good food and learn about all thing green, from e-bikes to e-waste recycling, electric vehicles to solar installations. Please join us!
What will be featured at the fair?
Electric vehicle owners glad to talk about their cars with you
Electric vehicle dealers offering test drives
Electric fire truck
Electric school bus
E-Bikes by Pedagogo
HOURCAR ride share
Electric lawn equipment by Frattalone Hardware
Heat pumps and household electric appliances
Apadana Solar
Solar United Neighbors
Food truck with delicious vegetarian fare
Waste and recycling with City of St. Paul and Evergreen Collective
Frogtown Green
Compassionate Action for Animals
Friends of the Boundary Waters
Friends of Mississippi River
Clean Water Action
And more to come!
A special thanks to our sponsor:
Eco Fair Hosts:
St. John the Evangelist Episcopal
Unity Church Unitarian
House of Hope Presbyterian
St. Paul’s UCC
St. Thomas More Catholic
St. Clement Episcopal
with logistical support from MNIPL