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Watch this recording of the session to learn more about CO2 pipelines in Minnesota and share with your communities!

CO2 Pipelines in Minnesota: Fossil Fuel's Quiet Game Plan for Drilling More Oil

Carbon dioxide pipelines are being sold as a necessary part of meeting our climate goals. What industry representatives don't like to mention is that they are taking compressed CO2 to oil wells in North Dakota to push out more oil – a process called Enhanced Oil Recovery. 

We know that a safe and equitable transition to a greener future means ending our use of fossil fuels, not finding more creative ways to hide it. Join us to learn more about how these pipelines are bad news for Minnesota and how you can help fight them!


  • Use this document for steps and scripts to contact the Governor and your representatives about your concerns about CO2 pipelines (coming soon)
  • Use this document to write a Letter to the Editor about your concerns about CO2 pipelines (coming soon)
  • Sign up for the other sessions in our Summer Policy Series!
  • Have us present about this topic to your group or organization by emailing Sara Wolff (